When a student becomes ill in class or is in need of first aid, he/she is to ask for permission to go to the health office. Students are not to report to the Health Office without permission from the teacher, except in cases of emergency.  If your child is not feeling well and the school nurse or health clerk has determined they need to go home, the office will call you to make arrangements to pick up your child. 



ALL PRESCRIBED MEDICINE AND PILLS must be left in the health office. The Medication Authorization form (available from the health office and on our website), must be signed by a parent and completed by a physician to accompany both prescription and over-the-counter medication. No medicines, pills, inhalers, etc., may be brought on campus or other school sponsored events except as noted above. Bringing unapproved medication onto the campus can result in a suspension from school.  If you have any questions regarding medications from your doctor, please contact our school nurse or health clerk at: (714) 997-6251.




All students participating in athletics are required to have health and accident insurance. It is highly recommended that every student in school have such a policy. Insurance applications may be obtained at the Health Office or from your P.E. teacher.